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Agri business group

We want to support agriculture and food in Japan by manufacturing, importing, and selling fertilizers and other agriculture-related materials.
The Agri Business Division engages mainly in the delivery of ammonium sulfate (nitrogen fertilizers) from Nippon Steel Corporation and other domestic companies to farmers via JA Zen-Noh. Relatedly, we also deal in various raw materials for fertilizers that are necessary for agricultural production, and we produce fertilizers using otherwise unused resources, such as slag, rice husks, compost, food residue, and sewage sludge.
Recently, we welcomed SHOKO AGRI Co., Ltd., a long-established producer of amino acid-based organic fertilizers, and SHOWA BAIDO Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of culture soil for paddy-field rice and for gardening, into our group, and we are committed to responding to a wider variety of farmers' needs.
Efforts to achieve the SDGs
Mutually connecting the iron and steel sector with the agriculture sector
We transport ammonium sulfate from the iron and steel sector to the agriculture sector and rice husks from the agriculture sector to the iron and steel sector. We contribute to the construction of a recycling-oriented society by reducing the use of imported rice husks.
Production of fertilizers utilizing byproducts, residues, and other unused resources
The Agri Business Division makes effective use of byproducts and otherwise unused resources, thereby contributing to wider use of domestic resources in fertilizers.

Affiliated partner companies

