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Ironmaking, chemicals, and advanced materials businesses group



We propose environment-related solutions to iron and steel businesses, thereby contributing to the construction of a recycling-oriented society.
The Machinery & Materials Division procures machine products from abroad mainly for ironmaking, and sells environmental products related to dust collectors, equipment that reduces the amount of labor involved in processes or streamlines processes, industrial chemicals, and so forth.
The division also engages in environment businesses that lead to the realization of a carbon-neutral society by using waste plastic and biomass materials in iron and steel production processes.

The Coke & Carbon Materials Division sells and makes effective use of powdered coke generated as a byproduct of iron and steel production processes in industries beyond the iron and steel industry, thus contributing to recycling carbon sources and reducing waste. The division also utilizes tapioca starch, which contributes to the construction of an environmentally friendly recycling system in the iron and steel industry and elsewhere.
Efforts to achieve the SDGs
From the agriculture sector to the iron and steel sector
We contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and the construction of a recycling-oriented society by making effective use of surplus rice husks generated in Japan in iron and steel production processes.
Industrial use of biomass materials
We contribute to reducing and recycling waste by utilizing tapioca starch in various industries.
